Page 200 - 捷運技術 第46期
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194            賴宗裕、蘇偉強    捷運建設財源籌措引用TIF(Tax Increment Financing)制度之探討

            5.   賴宗裕(民100),成長管理與規劃經濟,政治大學地政學系碩博士班課堂講義。
            6.   蘇偉強、賴宗裕(民100),「稅收增額融資(TIF)於國內外運用之差異及新出路-大眾捷

            7.   British Property Federation (2008), “Tax Increment Financing: A new tool for funding
                regeneration in the UK?” London: BPF.
            8.   Casella, S. (1985), “What is TIF,” Chicago, IL: The American Planning Association.
            9.   Council of Development Finance Agencies (CDFA) and International Council of Shopping
                Centers (ICSC) (2007), “Tax Increment Financing best practices reference guide,” Ohio: CDFA
                and ICSC.

            10.  Day-Marshall, M. K. and Lester, N. A. (2008), “Case Study-Downtown Transformation through
                Tax Increment Financing: The Gallery Place Project,” Real Estate Review, Vol.37, No.4 pp.89-
            11.  Gihring, T. A. (2009), “The Value Capture Approach To Stimulating Transit Oriented

                Development and Financing Transit Station Area Improvements,” Victoria, BC: Victoria
                Transport Policy Institute.
            12.  Hipler, H. M. (2007), “Tax Increment Financing in Florida: A Tool for Local Government
                Revitalization, Renewal, and Redevelopment,” The Florida Bar Journal, July/August pp.66-71.
            13.  HM treasury (2010), “More financial freedom for local authorities,” Retrieved October 5, 2011
                from HM treasury on the World Wide Web:

            14.  Johnson, N. and Tashman, J. (2002), “Urban Renewal in Oregon: History, Case Studies, Policy
                Issues, and Latest Developments,” Tashman Johnson LLC.
            15.  National Association of Realtors (2002), “Tax Increment Financing,” Indiana University: School
                of Public and Environmental Affairs.
            16.  PricewaterhouseCoopers (2008), “Tax Increment Financing to fund infrastructure in Australia,”

                For the Property Council of Australia.
            17.  State of California (2011), “Redevelopment Agency Property Tax Increment,” Retrieved October
                1, 2011 from Contra Costa County on the World Wide Web:
            18.  Weber, R. and Goddeeris, L. (2007), “Tax Increment Financing: Process and Planning Issues,”
                Lincoln Institute of Land Policy Working Paper.
            19.  Youngman, J. M. (2011), “TIF at a Turning Point: Defining Debt Down,” State Tax Notes, May

                2 pp.321-329.
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