Page 59 - 捷運工程叢書 精進版 - 6 捷運大地工程實務
P. 59

第三章 斷層概述


                 12.  余明山、鍾毓東、謝百鍾(民國 89 年),〈中部海埔新生地液化災情勘察〉,《地工技
                    術雜誌》,第 77 期,第 39-50 頁。

                 13.  余明山(民國 89 年),〈港灣地區地質改良與液化防治〉,《港灣工程耐震安全評估與
                    震災防治研討會論文集》,第 7-1 頁~第 7-26 頁。
                 14.  吳建閩、王鴻基、陳彥良、龔浩然、洪崇發(民國 89 年),〈礫石樁應用於抗液化之設

                    計及施工〉,《地工技術雜誌》,第 78 期,第 50-74 頁。
                 15.  日本道路協會(西元 1996 年),「道路橋示方書 . 同解說,V 耐震設計編」。
                 16.  Brown, R.E.(西元 1977 年),“Vibroflotation Compaction of Cohesionless Soils", Journal of

                    the Geotechnical Engineering Division, ASCE, 103(GT12), P1437-1451.
                 17.  Ishihara, K., & Yoshimi, M.(西元 1992 年),“Evaluation of Settlement in Sand Deposits
                    Following Liquefaction during Earthquake", Soils and Foundations, Vol. 32, No.1, P178-188.

                 18.  Koga, Taniguchi, Nakasumi & Kurinami(西元 1986 年),“Shaking Table Tests on Sandy
                    Ground Liquefaction Measures by the Deep Mixing Soil Stabilization Method", Proceedings of

                    41st Annual Conference of the Japanese Society of Civil Engineers, P201-202.
                 19.  Leonards, G.A., Cutter, W.A., & Holtz, R.D.(西元 1980 年), “Dynamic Compaction of
                    Granular Soils", Journal of Geotechnical Engineering Division, ASCE, Vol.106, No.GT1, P35-

                 20.  Lukas, R.G.(西元 1995 年),“Geotechnical Engineering Circular No.1-Dynamic
                    Compaction", U.S. Department of Transportation Report, FHWA, U.S.A.

                 21.  Mayne, P.W.(西元 1984 年),“Ground Response to Dynamic Compaction", Journal of
                    Geotechnical Engineering Division, ASCE, Vol.110, No.6, P757-774.
                 22.  Mitchell, J.K.,Baxter, D.P. & Munson, T.C.(西元 1995 年),“Performance of improved

                    ground during earthquakes", Soil Improvement of Earthquake Hazard Mitigation, Geotechnical
                    Special Publication of ASCE, No.49, P1-36.

                 23.  Olsen, R.S.(西元 1998 年),“Cyclic Liquefaction Based on the Cone Penetrometer
                    Test",Proceedings of the 1996 NCEER Workshop on Evaluation of Liquefaction Resistance of
                    Soil, Edited by T. L. Youd and I. M. Idriss, NCEER-97-0022.

                 24.  Robertson, P.K. & Wride C.E.(西元 1998 年),“Evaluating Cyclic Liquefaction Potential
                    Using the Cone Penetration Test", Can. Geotech. Journal, Vol.35, P442-459.

                 25.  Seed, H.B. & Brokker,J.R.(西元 1977 年),“Stabilization of Potentially Liquefiable sand
                    Deposits Using Gravel Drains", Journal of the Geotechnical Engineering Division, ASCE,
                    Vol.103, No.GT7, P757-768.

                 26.  Seed, H.B. & Idriss, I.M.& Arango I.(西元 1983 年),“Evaluation of Liquefaction Potential
                    Using Field Performance Data", Journal of the Geotechnical Engineering Division, ASCE,
                    Vol.109, No.3, P458-482.

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