Page 7 - 捷運技術 第46期
P. 7

捷運技術半年刊 第46期                                              1


                                 CNS12684(ISO 9004)的標竿案例

                                            鄭國雄  黃荻昌  吳政育                   3
                 為協助國內業者提升品質管理水準,經濟部標準檢驗局參照國際標準組織(ISO) ISO
            9004修訂公布CNS 12684「組織永續成功之管理-品質管理方式」國家標準。本文乃就落實
            續的具體意象與作法,以作為映鏡未來的參考。全文首先引述CNS 12684(ISO 9004)「組
            隊成員自我超越的新五項修為的建議。全文可為CNS 12684(ISO 9004)朝向永續發展組織
            關鍵詞: ISO 9004、CNS 12684、戴明、市政品質標竿、回觀、映鏡、學習型組織、五項修
                  Review and Reflection of a Local Gung Ho Team Story—

            A Benchmark Case for National Standard CNS12684 (ISO 9004)
                     Kuo- Hsiung Cheng  David Ti-Chang Hwang  Cheng-Yuh Wu                         3
                 To help domestic industries enhance quality management standards, the Bureau of Standards,
            Metrology & Inspection under the Ministry of Economic Affairs promulgated CNS12684
            “Managing for the sustained success of an organization—A quality management approach” based
            on ISO:9004:2009. Taking a case study similar to those that have fulfilled the guideline mentioned
            above as an example, this paper reflects on study practices and other details with the aim of
            providing sustained and specific images and practices for organizations as a future reference.
                 In this paper, the authors quote CNS12684 to overview team management and management
            principles, and the theory of quality management underlying Dr. W. Edward Deming’s 14 management
            principles. Then, based on a case study of one of DORTS’ project offices that was recognized as
            a paragon for service quality among municipal governments, this paper depicts the beginning and
            enlightenment of a gung ho team, creation of a gung ho team (including a case study of involvement of
            cleanliness, quietness, softness, and beauty into the environment of a construction site), benchmarking
            of a gung ho team concepts (learning from paragons), stories about a gung ho team working with its
            neighborhood, organization efficiency and professional growth of the gung ho team.
                 In the end, the authors explore reflections including elements of a gung ho organization,
            principles of sustainability, and case studies. Furthermore, five disciplines of a “learning organization”
            and suggestions of five new disciplines & practices for personal mastery in a gung ho organization are
            included in this paper that can serve as a reference for organizational management and development.
            Keywords:  ISO 9004, CNS 12684, Dr. W. Edward Deming, paragon for service quality of municipal
                       governments, review, reflection, learning organization, five disciplines, gun ho (work together,
                       work in harmony), a gung ho team, personal mastery, five new disciplines & practices

            1   臺北市政府捷運工程局副局長                           
            2   臺北市政府捷運工程局總工程司室簡派正工程司                   
            3   臺北市政府捷運工程局中區工程處正工程司兼土木科科長
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