Page 175 - 捷運技術 第35期
P. 175

捷運技術半年刊  第 35 期  95 年 8 月                                     167

            required in the control room to perform various functions, the integrated operator workstations of
            the C3 platform allows the use of a common set of hardware and client applications to be installed.
            Operational function at each workstation is controlled by the rights and privileges accorded to the
            staff logging in.
                 This not only facilitates the training and deployment of control room operators, it also
            simplifies the maintenance process.

                 ˙Optimised System Architecture
                 The lowest layer in the system control hierarchy forms part of the OASYS C3 solution. It
            would be possible to optimize the design and the use of hardware/application(typically third party
            Programable Logical Controller(PLCs)etc.,)at this layer in each station. Different functions
            typically provided by various vendors can now the implemented through a common set of front-end
            equipment with the removal of the contractual boundaries.
                 ˙Lower Operational Cost

                 With the integrated C3 concept, the reduction in operational costs is both quantitative and
            qualitative. The measurable cost savings would be in the form of lowered carrying costs of spares,
            simplified maintenance process and flexibility in the training and deployment of staffs.

                 With the situation management capability of the OASYS C3 solution, service reliability and
            safety level are improved. Service disruptions, and its inconvenience to the traveling public, due to
            incidents or emergencies can be better managed and resolved.
                 ˙Lower Project Implementation Cost

                 The OASYS C3 offers the user a ‘one-stop’ common, control and communication
            multi-functional solution which removes the contractual boundaries associated with the
            conventional control system model.
                 Besides allowing the optimization of system design as mentioned earlier, the solution also
            simplifies the project implementation process significantly, leading to a reduction in the total project
                 Instead of multiple teams managing each aspect of the control room subsystems and associated
            applications along the artificial contractual lines, a multi-disciplinary team can be set up to manage
            the OASYS C3 solution from a overall design and operational perspective. This not only reduces
            the level of manpower needed to be deployed by the owner and the contractor, it also lower the risk
            of subsystems’ incompatibilities, and minimizes the number of contractual disputes associated with
            large multi-disciplinary projects. Overall the quality of design is also improved.
                 ˙Updated Technologies

                 Besides the operation-centric focus of the OASYS C3 Solution, it also deploys
            ‘state-of-the-art’ technologies currently deployed on other applications.
                 The rail system communication requirements of the solution are supported by a IP
            communication IPC  infrastructure that supports multi-media  applications. This IPC structure is
            increasingly used in enterprise network to support voice, video and data transmission. It can not
            only support the enterprise data processing application functions, it also provides the necessary
            bandwidth for telephony and video applications support services ( video-on-demand, video
            conferencing, etc.,)required by the employees.
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