Page 174 - 捷運技術 第35期
P. 174

166  KIN LING LEE  An Advanced Command, Control And Communication (C3) Solution For Transit Systems

               5.2.15 Automatic Train Supervision Function

                 The Automatic Train Supervision(ATS)Agent provides access to the ATS system. Through
            this interface, the ATS functionality is embedded within the C3 system to allow a common HMI
            (Human Machine Interface)to be used.

               5.2.16 Maintenance Management System Agent
                 The Maintenance Management System(MMS)Agent is responsible for monitoring the status
            of equipment and interfaces, and generating job requests.

               5.2.17 Access Management Subsystem Manager
                 The AMS Manager provides the operator software control and the ability to configure the
            system, encode the access smart cards, generate ‘blacklist’, ‘access-list’ as well as the management
            of system resources.

               5.2.18 Situation Management Subsystem
                 This subsystem is responsible for the creating and executing pre-defined plans corresponding
            to various scenarios in support of operation.

      Plan Viewer
                 The Plan Viewer provides the user interface to allow the general system control and
            management of incident plans. Plans provide the capability of pre-defining operator responses to
            common or expected system occurrences, as well as automating day-to-day tasks.

      Plan Agent
                 The Plan Agent is responsible for the control and running of plans. It performs the plans that
            are shown in the plan viewer, and is also capable of running plans (manual, semi, fully automated)
            in response to certain situations in support of railway operation.

                                      6、OASYS C3 Solution Benefits

                 The OASYS C3 solution not only departs radically from the traditional ‘silos-type’ approach
            taken in the earliest generations of railway control room design, it is also ‘operation-centric’, and
            deploys ‘state-of-the-art’ IP technology down to the primary equipment control layer.

                 We believe this solution offers the following benefits:

                 ˙Better Operation Support
                 With the integrated concept offered by this solution, cross-functional operation support plans
            can be pre-defined and implemented in the system for all likely scenarios, including emergencies.
            For example, in the event of multiple terrorist strikes in metro stations, it would have been possible
            to manage the situation, through pre-defined plans as it unfolds.
                 Each of these plans would have pre-determined decision steps to be taken in response to the
            real-time events that is occurring. This may include contacting relevant government agencies,
            emergency services etc.

                 ˙Uniform Operation User Interface
                 Unlike older design where different set of hardware and software applications are typically
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