Page 169 - 捷運技術 第35期
P. 169

捷運技術半年刊  第 35 期  95 年 8 月                                     161

             Normal Mode:          Normal service startup, revenue operation and service shutdown with no
                                   major disruption.
             Incident Mode:        Occurrence of incident that does not result in major service delay or injuries.
                                   For example, train-stalled in tunnel.
             Emergency Mode:  Occurrence of an emergency situation that causes major service delay or
                                   serious injuries. For example, ‘train-on-fire’ in tunnel.

                 This is illustrated in the following diagram:

                                       NORMAL MODES
                                                               EMERGENCY TRIGGER  EMERGENCY MODES
                                           Depot operation                     Passenger Evacuation
                                                            INCIDENT MODES      from Train/Station

                                Event Based Function  Train operation          Degraded mode related   Flooding/Gas/Intrusion
                                           Morning start up
                                                                                OCC Evacuation
                                                             Degraded mode related
                                            Line opening
                                                              to Train Operation
                                                                                 Fire Detection
                                                             Degraded mode related
                                            Train Insertion
                                                                               Train Stalled/Collision/
                                                               to Station Operation
                                                              to Depot Operation
                                                             Degraded mode related
                                           Train Withdrawal
                                                                                 Bomb Threats
                                            Line closure
                                            Line shut down      to Equipment Operation  Catastrophic Failure


                                      C3 SITUATION MANAGEMENT SUBSYSTEM

                                              Situation Management Support
                 The Event-based function of the OASYS C3 System provides basic real-time basic supervisory
            control functions like alarm/event management, basic controls, trending, data management etc. In
            addition, it also supports multi-media functionality through its IP-enabled communication platform.
                 Operation assistance function is provided during various modes of operation; Normal, Incident
            and Emergency management.
                                           4、System Configuration

               4.1 System Overview

                      The OASYS C3 solution is designed to operate from the Operation Control Centre
                 (OCC), the Depot Control Centre(DCC)and the Passenger Stations(STN); a typical
                 requirement for railway system. In addition, other supporting subsystems(Testing and Training
                 Systems etc.,)can be set up.

                      At the OCC, the C3 solution provides the control room operators with real-time
                 command, control and operation support functions over the entire railway line through the
                 multi-functional Operator Workstations(OWS)and the Overview Display System(ODS). The
                 Graphical User Interface(GUI)on the OWS and ODS provides the operator with animated
                 symbols, icons, schematics, textual and adjustable annunciation for efficient and effective
                 operation. All supporting communication functions(data, voice and video)are available to the
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