Page 171 - 捷運技術 第35期
P. 171

捷運技術半年刊  第 35 期  95 年 8 月                                     163

                                            OASYS C3 Solution Architecture

                                            5、System Functionality

               5.1 Overview

                 The OASYS C3 Solution is an integrated command, control and communication platform
            developed for the transport industry. It provides easy to use graphical user front ends, and reliable
            server back ends to communicate with, and monitor, hardware in the field.

                 Additionally, it provides a central repository for system wide alarms and events, planned
            response mechanisms to streamline activities in the event of an incident, and collection of statistical
            data for later analysis.
                 It is made up of 3 primary types of software components:

                    ◆Graphical User Interfaces(GUIs)
                    ◆Application Specific Agents

                    ◆Core Components
                 Graphical User Interface(GUI)

                 GUIs are run on operator workstations and provide an operator with a audio-visual view of the
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