Page 157 - 捷運技術 第35期
P. 157

捷運技術半年刊  第 35 期  95 年 8 月                                     149



                                                        摘  要

                 既有台北捷運無線電系統為一雙向、調頻、UHF  頻段、中央控制式傳統無線電系統,提
            開始全面轉換為 TETRA 數位無線電系統。

                 本文章主要介紹 TETRA 數位無線電系統,TETRA 為歐洲電信標準協會(ETSI)於 1990
            年開始發展訂定之標準,現在除歐洲外已廣為世界各國所用。TETRA 數位無線電系統採分時
            多工擷取之方式,頻寬為 25 KHz,單一頻寬可有四個通訊頻道,每一個通訊頻道可自由傳輸
            語音或數據資訊,每一通訊頻道之傳輸最高可達 7.2 Kbits/sec,TETRA 系統調變採 Pi/4 QPSK
            方式,編碼採 ACELP 方式。臺北捷運自新莊、蘆洲線開始無線電系統即以 TETRA 數位無線


                  The Current Trend of the Digital Radio System

                                            on the Taipei MRT

                                                  Tsao-Sing Wang

                 The existing radio system for the Taipei Rapid Transit System is a traditional two-way,
            frequency modulated, UHF, and centrally controlled radio system. The system permits central
            control to communicate with trains and hand-held radios via a half-duplex operation in the Transit
            Network. Basically, the traditional radio system has some problems: the audio channels are easy to
            block and are not efficient; functionality will be affected when any one channel fails; it is also easy
            to listen to so it is not secure and so on. Radio systems are moving towards the use of digital
            systems in recent times. Digital radio systems have better signal quality, none of the above
            shortcomings, are capable of transmitting both audio and data signals, are encryption capable and
            have elasticity of demand. Because of these benefits, the Taipei Rapid Transit System radio system
            is being updated to the TETRA radio system.
                 The purpose of this article is to introduce the TETRA digital radio system. TETRA is a
            standard from the European Telecommunications Standards Institute(ETSI)since 1990. In addition
            to Europe, this system standard has been widely used all around the world. The TETRA radio
            system adopts time division multiple access, 25 kHz carrier spacing, 4 communication channels per
            25 kHz carrier, and voice or data can be transmitted freely by any one channel. The maximum bit
            rate for each channel can reach 7.2 Kbits/sec. The modulation for the TETRA system adopts Pi/4
            QPSK, encoded by ACELP. The radio system for the Taipei Rapid Transit System will be TETRA
            digital radio system beginning with the Hsinchuang and Luchou lines, and the old traditional radio
            system will be changed and updated.

            Key Words:frequency modulated, time division multiple access, modulation

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