Page 262 - 捷運工程叢書 精進版 - 32 捷運高架橋梁結構設計與施工
P. 262


            表 10-5-11 Values of Coefficient for Rock

             Nms for Estimation the Ultimate Bearing Capacity on Broken or Jointed Rock
             (Modified after Hoek,(1993))(摘自 AASHTO(2002)TABLE

             Rock Mass     General Description   RMR      NGI     RQD                  N ms
               Quality                           Rating  Rating    (%)     A      B     C     D     E

                        Intact rock with joints
              Excellent                           100      500    95-100   3.8   4.3   5.0   5.2    6.1
                        spaced >10 feet apart
                        Tightly interlocking ,
                        undisturbed rock with
             Very good                             85      100    90-95    1.4   1.6   1.9   2.0    2.3
                        rough unweathered joints
                        spaced 3 to 10 feet apart

                        Fresh to slightly
                        weathered rock, slightly
                Good                               65      10     75-90   0.28  0.32   0.38  0.40  0.46
                        disturbed with joints
                        spaced 3 to 10 feet apart
                        Rock with several sets
                        of moderately weathered
                Fair                               44       1     50-75   0.049 0.056 0.066 0.069 0.081
                        joints spaced 1 to 3 feet

                        Rock with numerous
                        weathered joints spaced
                Poor                               23      0.1    25-50   0.015 0.016 0.019 0.02 0.024
                        1 to 20 inches apart with
                        some gouge
                        Rock with numerous
              Very poor highly weathered joints    3      0.01     ﹤25      Use q ult  for an equivalent soil
                        spaced ﹤2 inches apart                                        mass

            10.5.5 基樁承受水平力之分析

                 群樁基礎承受水平力作用所產生之側向位移、剪力、彎矩,採用群樁程式 GROUP 6.0

            進行分析,如圖 10-5-2 所示。
                 本程式由美國奧斯汀德州大學 Reese 教授等人所研發,根據實際側向樁載重試驗資料,
            提出土壤非線性關係之基樁側向荷重-變位曲線(p-y 曲線)法,配合彈性基礎梁理論及電

            腦數值解析,可分析群樁樁帽承受三維(共 6 個自由度)外來荷重的情況分配至各單獨樁的
            分布情形,如圖 10-5-3 所示。程式可依據基樁間距及配置,自動考慮受側向力作用時之群樁
            效應(或由工程師自行考量),將 p-y 曲線中之 p 值乘以一適當係數加以折減。進而採用 t-z、

            q-z 及 p-y 曲線法計算在不同載重組合及樁頭束制條件(固定、鉸接、彈性束制)下,分析
            彎矩及土壤抵抗力分布等設計所需之分析結果,如圖 10-5-4 所示。

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