Page 219 - 捷運技術 第33期
P. 219

捷運技術半年刊  第 33 期  94 年 8 月                                     213



                                                      摘         要要
                                                      摘     要
            近年來於颱風期間所受損失漸趨嚴重,93 年間甚至有潛盾機遭淹沒,及臺北縣市三重、內湖

                 本文係 93 年 8 月間艾莉颱風及 9 月間超大豪雨造成臺北縣三重及臺北市內湖地區淹水
            後,依「捷運在建工程公共安全檢視評估委員會」及「臺北市政府 911 超大豪雨災後檢討策
             Rapid Transit System Construction Flood-Prevention

                         Three-Stage Implementation Procedure

                                                 Chau-rong Chang,


                 Due to global ecological change﹐the Earth’s climate has become increasingly irregular in
            recent years﹒During typhoon season﹐areas of tropical low pressure can change paths drastically and
            can form strong typhoons in short spaces of time﹐causing heavy damage as a result﹒Moreover﹐
            Taiwan’s mountainous areas are over-cultivated ﹐ therefore lessening their water-absorbing
            capabilities. Floodwaters pour straight and cause serious damage in low-lying areas .Most of the
            Taipei MRT Projects are built underground in urban areas and have recently experienced much
            more severe damage during the typhoon season than in previous years. In September 2004 ,as a
            result of southwesterly winds, massive rainfall caused serious flooding in low-lying areas of
            Nangang and Xizhi and a shield machine at a construction site was totally submerged.
            Additionally ,parts of the sanchung and neihu areas were flooded due to poor construction of the
            Neihu and Xinzhuang lines. DORTS accepted its responsibility for making all the necessary repairs
            but also had to accept severe damage to its image. Moreover, DORTS had to pay a huge amount of
            money to compensate residents affected by the floods. DORTS learned an important lesson from the
            aforementioned experience and now realizes the importance of flood-prevention work.
                 In view of the flooding in Sanchung and Neihu in September 2004,DORTS drew up new
            systematic flood-prevention procedures in accordance with the instructions of DORTS
            Commissioner Chang and the proposals of the Taipei City government committee charged with
            examining the aftermath of the flooding disaster and the committee responsible for examining and
            inspecting public safety throughout the Taipei MRT construction project. This article aims to
            introduce the flood-prevention measures and explore their effects after the trial phase.
            Keywords: QSOP「the public safety investigation implementation procedure before flood-
                  prevention period」、investigation implementation procedure、investigation checking form

             臺北市政府捷運工程局工務管理處  幫工程司      H7010877@TRTS.DORTS.GOV.TW
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