Page 255 - 捷運技術 第31期
P. 255

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                      A Case Study on Knowledge Management

                    for Public Organizations-An Example of the

                           Department of Rapid Transit Systems

                                                        Fu-Chieh Hsiao


                       In the 21  century, the so called “knowledge-based economics” age, personnel and knowledge
                   are the most important assets in any organization. Promoting organization value through effective
                   knowledge management has become one of the most important issues for general enterprises.
                   Moreover, complying with current trends, leading the enterprise, promoting of individual and
                   organizational knowledge with an effective management and transfer, are also the most crucial
                   reform and innovation issues for the government.
                       In the process of knowledge management, knowledge sharing can express the value from tacit
                   knowledge to explicit knowledge as well as create capital assets. With accumulated experience in
                   the MRT track system engineering over the years, the Department of Rapid Transit Systems will
                   increase organization power and train more professional and technical engineers through
                   knowledge management.

                   Keywords knowledge-based economics, knowledge management, community, learning
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