Page 8 - 捷運技術 第59期
P. 8



            編輯委員會                                                                          I
            Editorial Board of Journal of Rapid Transit Systems and Technology

            免責聲明                                                                          III

            引言                                                                            IV


            軌道交通與都市共生之路:以捷運與臺北發展歷程為例                           曾昭容、顏志偉                      1
            The Way of Rail Transit and Urban Symbiosis: Taking the   CHAOJUNG TSENG,
            Development History of MRT and Taipei as an Example  CHIHWEI YEN

            捷運行控中心通訊多功能操作臺之營運需求與規劃設                            鍾佳樺、游飛龍                     25
            計探討                                                CHIAHUA CHUNG,
            Discussion on the operation requirements  and planning   FEILONG YU
            design of the Communications Multi-Function Terminal in
            Metro operation control center

            臺北捷運萬大中和樹林線機電系統工程之行車監控系                            張正憲、林立人、                    55
            統(URBALIS 400)介紹                                   李正忠、陳茂生
            The Introduction to the URBALIS 400 Train Control   CHENGHSIEN CHANG,
            System for the Taipei Metro Wanda-ChungHe-Shulin Line   LIREN LIN,
            Electromechanical System Project.                  CHENGCHUNG LEE,
                                                               MAOSHENG CHEN

            臺北捷運機廠複合地層設計與施工規劃之研究-以萬                            張正憲、陳立、黃啟信、                 75
            大線金城機廠為例                                           譚國華、林勳杰
            Research on Composite Soil Layer Design and        CHENGHSIEN CHANG,
            Construction Planning of Taipei MRT Depot -Taking   LI CHEN,
            Jincheng Depot of Wanda Line for Example           CHIHSIN HUANG,
                                                               GUOHUA TAN,
                                                               SHIUNJYE LIN
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