Page 127 - 捷運技術 第56期
P. 127


                      OUR  BROADGATE  TICKET                    OUR  BROADGATE  TICKET
                      HALL. 2012.                               HALL. 2012.

                 [3]  THE ENGINEERING DESIGN,              [3]  THE ENGINEERING DESIGN,
                      BIM  for  Utility  Infrastructure         BIM  for  Utility  Infrastructure

                      Engineering and Design. 2017.             Engineering and Design. 2017.
                 [4]  台灣電力公司供電區營運處,                        [4]  Taiwan Power Company Power
                     管路工程施工規範。2007。                             Supply Area Operation Office.

                 [5]  內政部營建署,共同管道工程                             Pipeline  Project  Construction
                     設計標準。2013。                                 Code. 2007.

                 [6]  臺北市政府捷運工程局,管線                        [5]  Construction and Planning Agency,
                      資料建置規定。2018。                              Ministry of the Interior. Common
                 [7]  內政部營建署,公共設施管線                             Pipeline  Engineering  Design

                     資料標準。2020。                                 Standard. 2013.
                 [8]  臺北市政府捷運工程局,製圖                        [6]  Department of Rapid  Transit
                     準則。2019。                                   Systems. Regulations of Pipeline

                 [9]  內政部建築研究所,城市共同                             Data Establishment. 2018.
                     管 道 3D-GIS 與 BIM-IFC 資 訊              [7]  Construction and Planning Agency,
                     交換與操作機制研擬。2018。                            Ministry of the Interior. Standards

                 [10] 桃園市政府養護工程處,三維                             of Public Facilities Pipeline Data.
                     管線建置及系統應用推動成果。                             2020.

                      2019。                                [8]  Department of Rapid  Transit
                                                                Systems, Taipei City Government.
                 REFERENCES                                     Principles of drawing. 2019.

                                                           [9]  Architecture and Building Research
                 [1]  National Development Council,             Institute, Ministry of the Interior.

                      Promotion of the Development of           Common Pipeline's 3D-GIS and
                      the 3D Pipeline Map. 2018.                BIM-IFC Information Exchange
                 [2]  Juliet Whitcombe, BUILDING A              and Operation Mechanism in Cities.

                      UTILITIES CORRIDOR BENEATH                2018.
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