Page 141 - 捷運技術 第34期
P. 141

捷運技術半年刊  第 34 期  95 年 2 月                                     131


                                               丁立邁   陳建仁
                                                        摘  要

                 本局對捷運建設業務的 E 化管理,從一開始就緊隨著捷運工程建設的腳步,亦步亦趨的
            逐漸擴及各業務領域,從日常之刷卡、物品申領、公文承辦、人事業務、會計業務等等之 e
            化作業外,更對本局施工作業據點提供 e 化系統,協助施工單位辦理相關資料之填報、計算、
            彙總及傳輸等等。值此知識經濟時代,本局已經扮演技術諮詢的角色,本局 e 化管理之重要
            目標為捷運技術知識的管理與運用。捷運技術知識的管理,在既有之 e 化系統基礎上,各類
            閱、參考。本局在員工教育訓練,亦投入 e 化之訓練機制,技術移轉之諮詢服務。為擴大本


            關鍵詞:管理資訊系統、應用系統、e 化、網站、知識管理、組織學習

                                    The Future Development of

                           the Knowledge Management Applied

                in the MIS of DORTS in Taipei City Government

                                        Lee-Mai Ting  Chien-Jen Chen


                 The DORTS (Department of Rapid Transit Systems) E management, developed in the
            beginning of Taipei Rapid Transit Systems construction, has being carefully expanded to various
            service domains.

                 Our next development with emphasis is the management of technical documents, the project
            documents of DORTS have been systematized preserved and managed effectively; also we provides
            the information system to share and offer the reference for the colleague, In the future, we plan to
            profit from the technical documents.

                 In other hand, along with knowledge economy theory being in vogue, the organization study is
            a tidal current now; we impelled varieties of training courses as well as series of network study
            courses, to establish the learning environment and prompt the whole ability.

                 This article will introduce the information application of DORTS, as well as provide our E
            management present situation and future plan.

            Key Words:E management, information system, website, knowledge management, organizational

            1.  臺北市政府捷運工程局技術發展處  處長
            2.  臺北市政府捷運工程局技術發展處  副工程司
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