Page 9 - 捷運技術 第56期
P. 9


                 結合時程管理與 BIM 於捷運工程設計及施工之應用                         曾進宏、施旻汶、莊志維                 77
                 BIM-4D for MRT Design and Construction Projects   CHINHUNG TSENG,
                                                                   MINWEN SHIH,
                                                                   CHIHWEI CHUANG

                 管線 3D 自動化與 BIM 於捷運工程上結合之運用                        陳立、鄧新民、賴建名                 103
                 Application of MRT Underground Utilities 3D Automation   LI CHEN, XINMIN DENG,
                 Design Combined with BIM                          CHIENMING LAI

                 虛擬主機智化備份實務                                        古永昌、簡維德、惠龍                 119
                 The Intelligent Backup Practice for Virtual Machines and   YUNGCHANG KU,
                 Its Collaborative Virtualization                  MICHAEL CHIEN,
                                                                   LUNG HUEI

                 著作授權同意書                                                                      132
                 Authorship Agreement
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