Page 17 - 捷運技術 第54期
P. 17



                           1.  Chen, T. Y., R. C. Lin, and S. M. SUI, "Discussion on the
                               Characteristics of Modern Light Rail - Taking Kaohsiung as an
                               Example", Proceedings of the 17th annual conference for the
                               Chinese Institute of Transportation.", 2012. in Chinese.

                           2.  Y. S. F. Fung, "Research on Basic Structure of Railway System in
                               Keelung Area", Master thesis, National Taiwan Ocean University,
                               Keelung, 2000. in Chinese.
                           3.  K. L. Chao and Y. C. Shin, "A study of Light-Rail Transit System."
                               Rapid Transit System & Technology, No.33, 13-22, 2005. in Chinese.

                           4.  Yu. H. Chen, "A Study of Integrating Light Rail Transit Priority
                               Signal Control and Traffic Strategies by Simulation Process", Master
                               thesis, National Taiwan University, Taipei, 2013. in Chinese.

                           5.  J. C. Jong, "Development of light rail without overhead line power
                               supply technology", Sinotech Engineering, No.122, 3-13, 2014. in

                           6.  Lin R. C. and S. Y. Lin, "Introduction of Light rail control center
                               function", Journal of Kaohsiung Branch of Chinese Institute of
                               Engineers, Vol.23, No.2, 7-13, 2006. in Chinese.

                           7.  H. T. Kao, C. H. Lin, and S. M. Chein, "Vehicle Overview of
                               Kaohsiung Ring Light Rail Rapid Transit (Phase 1)", Journal of the
                               Chinese Institute of Civil & Hydraulic Engineering, Vol.45, No.1,
                               82-86, 2018. in Chinese.

                           8.  W. J. Wang, Y. E. Wu, Y. H. Liu and Y. T. Sun, "Promotional
                               Strategies of Localization Policy on Railway Transportation
                               Signaling System", High-speed Railway Engineering Bureau of the
                               Ministry of Communications, Taipei, 2005. in Chinese.

                           9.  C. W. Wu, "Investigation and Application of the Techniques for
                               Analyzing the Power Supply System of MRT", Master thesis, National
                               Taiwan University of Science and Technology. Taipei, 2002. in

                           10.  T. W. Poo, Y. J. Cheng, H. Y. Chung, C. W. Lin, and P. C. Chen, "The
                               Localization Issues of BRT System in Taipei", Urban Traffic, Vol.19,
                               No.2, 68-85, 2004. in Chinese.

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