Page 171 - 捷運技術 第31期
P. 171
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Power Supply System Simulation for Rapid
Transit System and Light Rail Transit
System III AC System Analysis
Yii-Shen Tzeng
This paper introduces a computer software, the DCRAIL, used in power system simulation
for DC electrified railway systems. The software contains the following six simulation modules:
train performance simulation, DC power flow analysis, stray current analysis, AC power flow
analysis, frequency scan, and harmonic analysis. The development of the simulator was based on
the real system characteristics and actual operating strategy to meet the engineering requirement.
Verification results show that the credibility of the simulator is very well. The simulator can be
used as a tool to assistant the design, analysis and verification of the power system network of a
rapid transit or light-rail transit. To detail all the simulation items, the full paper is divided into the
following three parts: train performance simulation, DC system analysis, and AC system analysis.
This paper presents the AC system analysis, which contains AC power flow analysis, frequency
scan, and harmonic analysis. The DC system analysis has been presented in Rapid Transit Systems
& Technology journal No.27 & No.28.
Keywords rapid transit system, light rail transit system, AC study, frequency scan, harmonic