Page 5 - 捷運技術 第48期
P. 5

捷運技術半年刊  第 48 期                                              1


                                                        洪如江      1


                 本文,就臺北捷運系統對「歷史記憶的重現」、「生活方式的提升」、「文化」( 包括:

            思想、美的感受、人文關懷 ) 等等面向的貢獻,加以分析。

            關鍵詞 : 城市文明,躍昇,臺北捷運,文化

                                A Legendary Ascent in Urban Civilization
                                      Taipei Mass Rapid Transit System

                                                   Hung, Ju-Jiang    1


                 This paper aims to analyze the contributions that the Taipei Mass Rapid Transit System (Taipei
            MRT) has achieved in the following aspects:
                 (1)  recall of historical memory;
                 (2)  upgrades of ways of life; and

                 (3)  culture (activity of thought, receptiveness to beauty and humane feeling, as defined by
                     Whitehead, 1916).
                 The Taipei MRT not only offers a high quality and convenient transportation network, but
            also provides safe, comfortable, and user-friendly spaces where users reveal their kind-heartedness

            spontaneously. Combining the efforts of a number of professionals, the Taipei MRT has created a
            legendary ascent in urban civilization, with the users’ co-innovation.

            Keywords: urban civilization, ascent, Taipei MRT, culture

            1 臺大土木系名譽教授,東吳大學通識講座教授                 
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