Page 248 - 捷運技術 第35期
P. 248

240              李建興  盧建榮  直流牽引系統中牽引動力運轉模式對軌道特性的影響

            2.  李建興,盧建榮(2004):<模擬多輛列車在台北捷運系統中接地方式對軌道特性的影響>,
               <<中華民國第二十五屆電力工程研討會論文>>,93 年 11  月,第 1767~1771 頁

            3.  翁紹鼎(2004):<  捷運機電系統規劃設計-回顧與展望>,<<捷運技術半年                                     刋,第 30 期>>,
               93 年 2  月,第 229~244 頁

            4. Lee, C.-H.; Wang, H.-M.(2001):Effects of grounding schemes on rail potential and stray
               currents in Taipei Rail Transit Systems, IEE Proceedings of Electric Power Applications,
               Volume: 148 Issue: 2 , March 2001, pp. 148 –154.
            5.  Yu J. G. and Goodman C. J.(1990):Computer Simulation of Stray Currents in D.C. Supplied
               Rail Transit Systems and Their Corrosive Effects,Proceeding of the ImechE International
               Conference on Transit 2020, pp. 121-127, London, October 1990.
            6.  Yu J. G. and Goodman C. J. (1990), Modeling of Rail Potential Rise and Leakage Current in DC
               Rail Transit Systems, IEE Colloquium on Stray Current Effects of DC Railways and Tramways,
               pp. 221-226, London, October 1990.

            7.  Yu J. G. and Goodman C. J.(1992),Stray Current Design Parameters for DC Railway,
               Proceedings of the ASME/IEEE Joint Railroad Conference, pp. 19-28, Atlanta, Georgia, USA,
               March 1992.

            8. Yu J. G. (1998):The Effects of Earthing Strategies on Rail Potential and Stray Currents in D. C.
               Transit Railways, Proceedings of the International Conference on Developments in Mass
               Transit Systems, pp. 303-309, April 20-23 1998.
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