Page 245 - 捷運技術 第31期
P. 245

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                    Engineering Consultancy Talent Preparation

                                    Coordination and Integration

                                                       Andrew S. Chang


                       The market for traditional engineering consultancy services has been saturated. It is hard to
                   predict what the growth will be. However, the consultancy company’s operation and service
                   contents are changing gradually, and will bringing new types of jobs which are related to
                   coordination/integration and other management contents. Consultancy companies shall make good
                   use of their expert knowledge and skill on Design-BuilduDBvand Build-Operate-TransferuBOTv

                   projects aggressively. Government shall provide better environment and information for the
                   companies to run their businesses. To cultivate future talents, consultancy companies can adopt
                   measures such as giving more significance to the project manager position; government can assign
                   delegates to consultancy companies to acquire engineering design knowledge; and individuals can
                   learn required skills through further study and on-the-job training.

                   Keywords   engineering consultant, talent preparation, coordination, integration, technical
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