Page 318 - 捷運工程叢書 精進版 - 4 捷運土木工程實務
P. 318
61. T. G. Gutowski and C. L. Dym(西元 1976 年),Propagation of Ground Vibration: A Review,
Journal of Sound and Vibration, 49(2), 179-193.
62. Sonneville International Corporation, ( 西 元 2001 年 ), The Low Vibration Track (LVT)
System:High Attenuation LVT Presentation,
63. Sonneville International Corporation, (西元 2002 年), The Low Vibration Track (LVT)
System:June 2002 Insertion Gain/Loss Measurements,
64. Wilson, Ihrig and Associates(Dec 西元 1983 年), State-of-the-Art Review : Prediction and
Control of Groundborne Noise and Vibration from Rail Transit Trains, UMTA.
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