Page 317 - 捷運工程叢書 精進版 - 4 捷運土木工程實務
P. 317
43. 臺北市政府捷運工程局,《捷運軌道工程》,捷運土建專業人員訓練授證教材。
44. 臺北捷運公司委外監測分析捷運噪音、振動開口合約各季監測報告。
45. ATC(Sep. 西元 1990 年),Transit Noise and Vibration Prediction Methodology and Design
Criteria, DORTS Report No. FE-31.
46. Birgitta Berglund, Thomas Lindvall and Dietrich H Schwela(西元 1999 年),Guidelines for
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47. BMTC(Feb. 西元 1987 年),Quantitative Assessment of Groundborne Noise and Vibration,
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48. C. Stüber( 西 元 1975 年 ),Air- and Structure-Borne Noise of Railway, Journal of Sound
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49. Colin G. Gordon(西元 1991 年),Generic Criteria for Vibration-Sensitive Equipment, SPEI
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50. E. J. Rathe(西元 1977 年),Railway Noise Propagation, Journal of Sound and Vibration,
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51. Evaluation of Human Exposure to Whole-Body Vibration - Part 1: General requirements, ISO
52. Evaluation of Human Exposure to Whole-Body Vibration - Part 2: Continuous and Shock-
Induced Vibration in Buildings (1 to 80 Hz), ISO 2631.2,1989、2003.
53. High-Speed Ground Transportation Noise and Vibration Impact Assessment(December 西元
1998 年), U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Railroad Administration, Final Draft.
54. Hugh J. Saurenman, James T. Nelson and George P. Wilson(西元 1982 年),Handbook of
Urban Rail Noise and Vibration Control Executive Digest, U.S. Department of Transportation
Urban Mass Transportation Administration, UMTA-MA-06-0099-82-2, DOT-TSC-UMTA-81-73.
55. James Tuman Nelson and Hugh J. Saurenman(西元 1988 年),A Prediction Procedure for
Rail Transportation Groundborne Noise and Vibration, Transportation Research Record, 1143,
56. L. G. Kurzweil(西元 1979 年),Ground-Borne Noise and Vibration from Underground Rail
Systems, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 66(3), 363-370.
57. Mohammad Irshad & James Haggins( 西 元 1994 年 ),Ground Borne Noise and Vibration
Mitigation Designs, APTA Rapid Transit Conference.
58. Paul Nelson(西元 1987 年),Transportation Noise Reference Book, Butterworths.
59. R. Lotz( 西 元 1977 年 ),Railroad and Rail Transit Noise Sources, Journal of Sound and
Vibration, 51(3), 319- 336.
60. Steven Wolf(July 西元 1990 年),Floating Slab Track Systems, ATC.