Page 45 - 捷運技術 第41期
P. 45

捷運技術半年刊 第41 期                                             39


                                                ̦ห̾ c̦৅⒜                2

                                                        摘 要



               A New Approach of Stations Design in Luzhou Line as the Reconstruction of

                                                    City Memories

                                          Jinghorng Shih   Hsunwei Shih        2

                  The public artworks exhibited at the Luzhou line’s stations are based on the concept of
             integrating public resources and project-based operation. Incorporating the concept of architecture
             with landscape design, the design themes of the public art are based on the analyses and
             investigation of the environment, cultural characteristics and background of the station area. The
             innovative approach offers new thoughts for creating public art for Taipei MRT. Through this
             method, the MRT system brings not only the convenience of transportation, but is also a stage

             for displaying elements of city memories. Thus citizens are able to learn about the city’s history,
             develop cultural identity, and strengthen cohesion, turning public resources into a more effective
                  This paper describes application of the public art on the MRT and specific presentation of
             implementing public art on the station building and space design. The author also introduces how
             the new implementation method applied to the Luzhou line will also feed the design concept
             of the architecture and landscape. In the end, the author uses the execution of public art in New
             York Subway as an example to comment on the current implementation in Taipei MRT in the
             expectation of creating a better design through improvements.
             Keywords: city memory, public art, public building, station design

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