Page 153 - 捷運技術 第40期
P. 153
捷運技術半年刊 第40 期 98年7月 147
CBTC 於內湖線行車監控系統之運用
ॽඓ 1
摘 要
ʫಳᇞБԓ္છӻ୕મ̋͜ࣅɽBombardierʮ̡ʘCITYFLO 650ӻ୕dϤӻ୕ڷ˸ஷৃ
˙όԸҁϓБԓ္છ̌ঐdуɓছה၈ʘCBTC(Communications Based Train Control)dΐԓ
τΌග൷ڷમ͜ਗόௐ෦ਜග(Moving Block)ʘݖf͟ʫಳᇞڷʫϣમ͜CBTC
ᗫᒟ൚j ஷৃόΐԓછՓӻ୕eІਗΐԓЪeІਗΐԓڭᚐeІਗΐԓ္ൖeІਗΐԓ
The Application of CBTC to the Neihu Line
Ying-Chiun Weng
The CITYFLO 650 system developed by Bombardier Inc. is adopted in the Neihu line’s
Automatic Train Control (ATC) system. It is a driverless system and operated through a system
commonly referred to as a Communications Based Train Control (CBTC) with moving block to
keep the safety separation between train runs. Since the Neihu line, an extension of the Muzha
line, is the first mass rapid transit system in Taiwan to adopt CBTC, the Muzha line’s ATC system
will be also retrofitted so as to be in line with the Neihu line, in order to fulfill the operational
requirement of "one train no transfer" of the Neihu & Muzha lines. After the completion of the
Neihu line, the MATRA signaling system of the Muzha line will become a part of history. Through
the following introduction, readers will be enlightened and have a general idea of the CBTC ATC
system that will be adopted on the Neihu line in the future.
Keywords: CBTC, ATO, ATP, ATS, ATC
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