Page 229 - 捷運技術 第31期
P. 229

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                                CFD              SEM/CSD !" #$%&'( )
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                          Establishment and Managemint of MRT

                        General Consultancy Servicies In Taiwan

                                                       Ming-kuen Chang

                       The purpose of this paper is to help Taiwan to establish the first general consultancy services
                   team base on existing MRT technology. The first chapter of this article cites that the market for
                   mass rapid transportation is still blooming abroad and at home. During the period of MRT
                   construction, the MRT technical know-how was transferred successfully through planning. And it
                   also posted the demand of forming teams providing MRT technical service in our country. In the
                   second chapter, this paper distinguishes the main tasks and key techniques of six technical phases
                   in construction and management of MRT systems. In chapter 3, it will introduce a concept “the
                   dissimilar issue models of MRT system may lead to different management functions, however most
                   techniques inside each work step are almost the same.” , and will point out where these techniques
                   are distributed in Taiwan. In chapter 4, it will indicate the three models of reliable integrated
                   services of MRT system technology. In chapter 5, this paper covers the expectation of our first
                   specialized team dedicated to MRT system technical service in Taiwan.

                   Keywords AC power flow analysis, tract ional power flow analysis, harmonic analysis, American
                                subway environment simulation, 3D fluid mechanics simulation, smoke control
                                simulation, escaping time simulation, integration of SEM/CSD, system assurance, car
                                body structure analysis, train control simulation, urban transportation plan simulation,
                                research of electrical and mechanical facility scale.
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