Page 284 - 捷運工程叢書 精進版 - 6 捷運大地工程實務
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            59. Gitin M. Maitra and L. V. Prasad(西元 1985 年),Handbook of Mechanical Design.

            60. Goenraad Esveld(西元 1989 年),Modern Railway Track.
            61.  Gopalacharyulu Samavedam(西元 1978 年 10 月),Lateral Buckling of CWR Tracks,Journal
                of the Engineering Mechanics Division, Proceedings of the American Society of Civil

                Engineers,Vol.104,No.EM5, P1284-1288.
            62.  H.E.Stewart and T.D.O´Rourke,Load Factor Method for Dynamic Track Loadings, Journal of
                Transportation Engineering,Vol.114,NO.1,Jan., 西元 1988 年 , P21-39.

            63. Harold A.Rothbart(西元 1996 年),Mechanical Design Handbook,
            64.  HKMRT(香港西鐵)規範(西元 1998 年),Appendix E12: Technical Standards – Floating

                Slab Track Bearings.
            65.  ISO 2631-2(西元 1989 年),Evaluation of Human Exposure to Whole-Body Vibration - Part 2:
                Continuous and Shock-Induced Vibration in Buildings (1 to 80 Hz).

            66.  J.Eisemann,L.Steinbeisser & Deischl(西元 1985 年),Noise and Vibration Reducing Track
                Foundation for Subways and Rapid Transit Railways, Track Technology.

            67.  J.Eisenmann(西元 1981 年),The Rail as Support and Roadway Theoretical Principles and
                Practical Examples, Railroad Track:Theory & Practice,
            68.  J.H.Bucksbee(西元 1992 年),Technical Information on LORD Direct Fixation Fasteners,

                LORD Industrial Products Division,
            69.  J.P.Copsey, T. W. Hulme, B. Kraft & P. Sripathy,Singapore Mass Rapid Transit System: Design,
                Proc. Instn Civ. Engrs, Part 1, 西元 1989 年 , 86, Aug., P667-707.

            70.  Jakob Laigarrd and Ole Damgarrd Larsen,Careful Design Minimises Metro Noise and
                Vibration, Metro Report 2000, Railway Gazette International.
            71. Joseph E. Shigley and Charles R. Mischke,Standard Handbook of Machine Design.

            72. Kang Huang and Gordon Clark,Analysis of Forces Due to Continuous Welded Rails.
            73.  Los Angeles Metro Rail Transit(西元 1993 年),Procurement of Special Direct Fixation Rail

                Fasteners, Contract B616.
            74.  M.I.Baxter(西元 1998 年 11 月),Versatile Track Designs Solve HK Airport Line
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            75.  MARTA(西元 1982 年),Specifications for Special Trackwork Direct Fixation Rail
                Fasteners, Contract CY140.

            76.  Metro-North Commuter Railroad(西元 1992 年),Park Avenue Viaduct Direct Fixation
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            77.  Mohammad Irshad & James Haggins(西元 1994 年),Ground Borne Noise and Vibration

                Mitigation Designs, APTA Rapid Transit Conference.

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