Page 139 - 捷運技術 第43期
P. 139

捷運技術半年刊 第43 期                                            133

                              環狀線 Y6 站前橫渡線位置評估與建議

                                   ࿋݇౮ cᒤқϓ cᘽ၅Ը cੵᎲѩ                                4
                                                        摘 要

                                 Evaluation and Suggestions for the Location of
                                         Circular Line Crossover Section

                   Chao-Yang Liao   Jyh-Cherng Jong   Fu-Lai Su   Lung-Chun Chang                    4
                   The Circular line, a pivotal route for connecting the Taipei metropolitan MRT network,
              will be constructed and completed in three stages. Construction of the first stage, ranging
              from Station Y6 to Station Y19, is in the process of planning and design. All stations in this
              stage will be built in an elevated mode except Station Y6 which is to be built underground,
              where a crossover section will serve as a temporary terminus for trains to turn back during the
              first operation stage. Therefore, the location and length of the crossover section will impact
              construction risks, costs, operation headways, etc.
                   This article focuses on evaluating train turn-back efficiency, construction risks, construction
              costs based on three alternatives as follows: (A) moving the crossover section in front of Station
              Y6 262 meters west, (B) moving the crossover section in front of Station Y6 389 meters west, (C)
              moving the crossover section in front of Station Y6 547 meters west. The results show that there
              are some construction difficulties and risks that cannot be resolved in alternatives A and B and
              thus would not be recommended. Although alternative C will not meet the required 90-second
              headway, it will satisfy the constraint of 2.5-minute headway during peak hours. Moreover,
              alternative C will also significantly reduce construction risks and costs and the results of the
              evaluation will contribute to DORTS' decision. The article also demonstrates that train operation
              analyses have been conducted early in the detailed design stage of civil engineering, with the
              hope that the proposed evaluation can be a reference for other MRT projects.
               Keywords: crossover section, turn-back efficiency

            1c ʕጳʈ೻ᚥਪʮ̡ၽ̏ઠ༶ᐑًᇞDF111୚ணᅺʈ೻ࢪଡ଼ڗ
            2c ʕጳʈ೻ᚥਪٟɺ˝ʿ˥лʈ೻޼Ӻʕː৷ॴ޼Ӻࡰࡒʹஷଡ଼ଡ଼ڗccccc
            3c ʕጳʈ೻ᚥਪʮ̡ࠐ༸ɚ௅Ҧஔ຾ଣ࿬̨̏ઠ༶ᐑًᇞDF111୚ணᅺࠇ೥຾ଣ
            4c ʕጳʈ೻ᚥਪʮ̡ࠐ༸ʈ೻ɚ௅௅ژ຾ଣccccccccccccccc
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