Page 209 - 捷運技術 第42期
P. 209

捷運技術半年刊 第42 期                                            197


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                   Ϋ࠯Ըࣛ༩dৰəΌɢላՐd Ⴜʈ೻̮dᒔϞ఻ݬतࣿٙᇐ௝jν66ږᗟᑌΥකʈ
              Recollections of the Construction of the Xinzhuang Line Taipei City Section--

                                            Stories of Civil Engineering
                   The Xinzhuang line Taipei City section from Zhongxiao Xinsheng Station to Daqiaotou
               Station (former Daquiao Elementary School Station), connecting the Luzhou line from Luzhou
               Station to Daqiaotou Station was finally opened for commercial service. Taking the 14-km
               trip from Luzhou to downtown Taipei takes only 19 minutes. The section connects with the
               Banqiao-Nangang line at Zhongxiao Xinsheng Station, and the Danshui line at Minquan W.
               Rd. Station, allowing convenient transfers. Now that the Xinzhuang line Taipei City section
               is operating, Taipei MRT network totals 106.7 km long and provides even more convenient
               transportation in the Taipei metropolitan area.
                   The Xinzhuang line Taipei City section runs along downtown main arteries such as
               Minquan East and West Road, Songjiang Road, Xinsheng S. Road, all of which have heavy
               traffic flow, high density residences, and busy commercial activities. It is certain that operation
               of the line will create vitality and give a boost to a great diversity of development in the areas
               along the route.
                   While construction was being performed beneath these main roads, to minimize the
               impact on residents’ everyday lives, a certain level of traffic was allowed to pass. In addition,
               tough work such as dealing with intricate utility pipelines, passing beneath Taiwan Railways,
               High Speed Rail and Liugong Canal dewatering culvert, and proceeding beneath two in-service
               stations (Zhongxiao Xinsheng Station and Minquan W. Rd. Station) all added difficulties and
               complications to the construction. It was thanks to all construction crews’ efforts that the route
               was completed successfully.
                   Looking back, the author also recounts several memorable and meaningful events to
               share with readers such as the joint ground-breaking ceremony of the Xinzhuang line Taipei
               City section, former mayor Ma Ying-jeou descending to 30 meters underground to relay his
               concerns to the construction crews in the middle of a cold winter, honorable records of Section
               Contract CK570B, role models of integrity, discussion meetings among three parties from
               contractors, teachers & students of National Taipei University of Technology and DORTS’
               South District Project Office, the sweetness and bitterness of underground construction, and the
               heavy responsibility of signing a contract.
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