Page 83 - 捷運技術 第31期
P. 83

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                            Appreciating Culture and Promoting

                          Services The experience of advocating

                             human concerns by the Taipei MRT

                                                           Szu-Wei Lin

                       In the 21  century, a modern MRT is not only supposed to be a means of transportation but
                   also a system with humanistic design for MRT users. Thereby, during the rather short period of a
                   journey on the MRT, users will be able to appreciate the designer’s thoughtfulness. Especially in
                   the present era when the service industry plays a much more important role, the service quality of
                   the MRT even better than planning before, if we include put more humanistic spirit in the design
                   stage. Take DORTS   design for example, diversified signage system, public arts installation,

                   architecture & landscape , and unobstructed environment are all thoughtful arrangements that make
                   Taipei MRT much more humanistic in nature. After all, it’s DORTS   mission to build a humanistic

                   and custom-serviced MRT for all Taipei residents.

                   Keywords MRT public art architecture & landscape custom-serviced MRT unobstructed
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