Page 123 - 捷運技術 第31期
P. 123
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The Real Practice of Interface Control
Documents in the Tucheng Extention Line
Huan-lin Lee Fengs Chen 2
There are always diversified disciplines, personnel, and resources involved in the construction
of rapid transit systems, constituting complex, huge and multidisciplinary interfaces. Therefore, the
interface coordination and system integration are always critical issues during the construction of
rapid transit systems. N-square Charts and Interface Control DocumentsICDare common
practices for many large-scale systems since the Systems Engineering commenced long time ago.
They have also been used in the Taipei Rapid Transit SytemsTRTSprojects since the late 1980s.
This paper is an empirical case study on the Tucheng Extension Line of Taipei Rapid Transit
Systems. It includes definitions of terminologies, a background review of the evolution of Interface
Control DocumentsICDin the TRTS project, and a detailed description of the real practice of the
Tucheng Extension Line. This paper also concludes that N-square Charts and ICDs are useful tools
when dealing with interface coordination during the detailed design stage of a rapid transit system.
Key words Interface Control Document ICD , N-Square Chart, System Integration
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